(sung to the tune of These are a Few of My Favorite Things)
It’s said they appear in the late evening, when the sun is just setting and darkness begins to steal the light.
The Old Navy store manager’s voice began to rise as he introduced his employees to me with their stories of the frightening phenomenon.
“I felt a chill run down my spine,” one witness shuddered. “I turned around slowly, not knowing what to expect.”
The employee pointed towards the top of a clothing rack, “There, it was right there. I didn’t know what it was. It looked like a disembodied child.”
“A child?"
“ Yes, a child, except there were two of them, with feet and hands like sock monkeys.”
“Although tragic, children with no fingers or toes do not qualify as supernatural. However, it would be interesting to discover how the youngsters climbed onto a clothes rack.”
The employee’s eyes widened. “They had no head, either! A neck, but no head!”
“OK, now we’re getting somewhere!”
A quivering voice from another witness confirmed the sighting, “I saw it, too. I ran out of the store like a shoplifter whose pants were stuffed with ripped off sweatshirts. I didn’t want to come back the next day. It took three quarts of Dr. Pepper to stir up the courage to walk back into the store.”
“Is there any other place in the store where these experiences have occurred?”
"Yes, I’ve seen something,” a young woman added. “Something in the back room. We call it….the mannequin morgue. It’s where the mannequins for our store displays are pieced together.”
“Pieced together?”
“Yes…when we can’t find an arm or leg we steal an appendage from another to complete the model.”
“So, is that why some of the male mannequins have nail polish?”
“Not necessarily. Some of the males are, well…they’re just different.”
The body of a third employee began to shake, “I won’t go in there when it’s dark.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s dark.”
“What do you mean, dark?”
“It’s dark, I can’t see.”
“Have you ever witnessed anything in that room you’d consider unusual?”
“No, it’s dark.”
“Let’s get back to the manifestations of what I’ll refer to as the partial-child.”
Another witness timidly raised his hand. “It was wearing an Old Navy tee. The tee shirt was a youth small with crew neck and short sleeves, grey, one had Batman on the front, the other Wolfman.”
“You seem to have sharp eyes.”
“I just know my tees. Well, actually, I wear those. See, it’s my undershirt.
“Enough already! I don’t want to see any underclothing! I just want to know if this place has supernatural activity. Now, did you really see something?”
"When I saw this, this apparition…this horrible thing, my hair stood on end.”
“I find that interesting because you’re bald,” I pointed out.
“Well, I do have hairy arms. See… feel, nice and soft.”
“So, Mr. Smith, what do you think is happening in this store?" the manager asked. “Do you think it’s haunted?”
“Actually, I find all of you sorta scary. And the prices on your sweatshirts are horrendous.” I gathered my notes and walked towards the exit doors. “Hey,” I shouted back. “Did you know you have a male mannequin up here wearing a bikini?”
“Like I said,” replied one of the witnesses, “some of them are… just different.”
Below is a photo taken with a super sensitive high density retro glow hieroglyphic camera. See for yourself and make your own conclusion…