The following entries are based upon true events, sometimes mingled with a "little" fiction.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

We’re All Losers

Each March our family loves putting our brackets together for the NCAA Basketball Tournament. We trash talk, boast in our prognosticating abilities, and our overall college basketball savvy. That’s the boys anyway. An occasional “I told you so” outburst from one of the Smith family women folk goes viral after the men all chose a loser and she correctly named a winner on her bracket. Some of us read scouting reports, follow team stars and one of us even let a computer pick his list (who’s in your final four now, Jordan?) Some of us make several brackets; some of us more honorable only make one.

Now the final games haven’t been played yet. I believe the winner will come down to the score of the final game. (Mom. What were you thinking? 89 combined points is on the low side.) But usually the top winners in our pool are those who know the least about each team.

However, I take consolation that we aren’t the only ones who fail on choosing the final four and the ultimate winner.

An article reported that 99.9% of bracket makers worldwide had fallen out of the competition after the final eight teams played. Of the nearly 6 million who filled out brackets using ESPN’s Tournament Challenge only two picked all four teams playing in the finals. Of nearly 3 million who used Yahoo’s brackets only one- a school librarian chose the final quartet.

She’s from Salem, Oregon. This is her picking process. She likes the numbers seven and eleven so she leaned toward teams with that seed. She looked at mascots, the states the teams hailed from (some states she likes, others leave her underwhelmed.)

For the winner of the final four she likes UCONN because she and her boyfriend both had huskies as mascots at their respective alma maters. She also thinks UConn’s Huskie mascot resembles her 13 year old. I feel sorry for that kid.

Next year I’m revamping my selection method. Here’s a few of those things that will sway me in choosing one team over another:

I’ll take a look at the team’s cheerleaders. (I swear, Jan, this is for analytical purposes only.)

I’ll do a little research on the nationalities of the players on the teams and read to see if something is happening in their homeland that can cause distractions.

If players who were injured during the season and now sit in street clothes on the bench wearing white shirts and ties, I’ll give the team an edge.

I’ll choose letters from the Scrabble racks and see how many team names I can make. These will be favored.

And, if the school’s band has more tubas than trumpets I’ll lean towards them. Tubas are cool.

So, now’s the time to determine your winners for the 2012 tournament. You don’t even have to wait until those invited into the tournament are chosen. The only thing important in choosing a winner is not to include Ohio State in your final four. For some reason a Buckeye is not a team name that will win. On the other hand I’ll go with Delaware’s Blue Hens on any bracket.

1 comment:

K+N+N+A said...

It's true! Heather is apparently the "least loser" among us this year though ;)